Our Workers
Steve's passion is training and working his English Springers and Labradors.
Jade out in the field.

^ Jade's daughter, Freya
The black and white siblings Jimmy and Jade are home bred and Jade's daughter Freya is the 4th generation of homebred working springers.

^ Dear sweet Walter
He also trained our dear departed Walter the Teckel as a deer tracking dog.

^ Water retrieve - Milly our yellow Labrador
His youngsters Ted (L/W Springer) and yellow Labrador Milly are on their gundog training journey.

^ Lovely Pippa and our youngster, Ted
Liver and white (or should that be white and liver) Pippa came to us from the Macgiriaght kennel, and is a specialist on the beating line and is an all round excellent gundog.

^ Our black Labrador, Hannah
Black Labrador Hannah may do a drive or two this season, but retirement looms for this lovely girl.

^ Our dearly departed Jack, sire of Jimmy & Jade
Jade's brother, Jimmy